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Pharma Climate Action Program

You're invited to join one of the biggest decarbonization programs of its kind by one or more of your customers.

Driven by some of the world's most influential pharmaceutical manufacturers, and powered by Manufacture 2030's industry-leading platform, this new program offers you a number of unparalleled benefits including:

  1. Reducing emissions
  2. Aligning to your customers' targets
  3. Driving down business costs


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Measurement to action

Manufacture 2030's market-leading platform enables you to measure, manage and reduce emissions across your operations.

With AI-powered, tailored suggestions, you can go from measurement to action in a matter of minutes.

Gain confidence, forecast your emissions, and take climate action together.

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Our pricing

Your customers have made a significant investment in the program as part of their wider net zero strategy and your participation is a critical part of this.

As such, an annual subscription to use the M2030 platform is USD $825 per site, with discounts available for small businesses and those registering over 10 sites.

Furthermore, if your site supplies multiple customers in the program, you only have to sign-up and pay once – your submission and actions are shared across all participating customers.


What now?

Sign up today to use the M2030 platform or speak to us to find out more.

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